
Height Growth Plus – 100 Days Pack

Original price was: ₹10,375.00.Current price is: ₹6,100.00.

Get Guaranteed Height Result with Our Advanced Height Increase Supplement – Powder form for Kids, Boys, Girls & Adults.

Use Coupon code – New  & Get 5%- Rs 305 extra discount on prepaid order only.

Guaranteed Visible Height Results After:
* Age 7-18 years, Increases upto 3cm in 20 days & upto 15 cm in 100 days.
* Age 19-23 years, Increases upto 3cm in 25-30 days & upto 9 cm in 100 days.
* Age 24 – 28 years, Increases upto 2.5 cm in 40-45 days & upto 7 cm in 100 days.

Click here for 20 days height growth plus course.
About Height Growth Plus Course: 
Used & Recommended- By AIIMS & MBBS Doctors.
  • Height Growth Plus is a 100% All-Natural height increase supplement that helps increase your height naturally.
  • Proven Height Growth Formula – The Height Growth Plus formula is scientifically developed having premium protein, 10 precious natural herbs, 19 vitamins & minerals, 15 essential amino acids & Anti-Oxidant for lengthen and strengthen the density of the bones for increasing height.
  • Both Males and Females-  Increase between 3″ to 6″ inches by simply using Height Growth Plus on a daily basis. Contains all the vitamins necessary to grow taller by stimulating Bone Growth, Building Bone Density and Increasing Bone Strength. Height Growth Plus – height growth powder is 100% natural, non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, no chemicals, no preservatives, no yeast, no soy, no sugar, no cholesterol, no artificial colours/flavours, no binders.
  •  Harness the power of targeted nutrition for height growth – Best Source Ingredients for Natural Growth & Development Supplement For Kids, Teens & Adults. Vitamin D, K, Calcium, Ashwagandha, L-Arginine, L-Glutamine for bone strength and enhance bone mineral density.
  • Increase Height Even After Puberty / Closed Growth Plates: By Activating & Increasing Growth Promoters Production, Working on the articular cartilages & Spinal Column Extension even after the bones in their lower body have become ossified(fixed in attitude or position).
  • Safe For Daily Use – Completely safe and healthy too with no side effects. 100% Natural Ingredients and Vitamins. Tasty & Easy to drink. All results are permanent. FSSAI Approved
  • Used & Recommended- By AIIMS & MBBS Doctors


Used & Recommended- By AIIMS & MBBS Doctors. No Fake Claim. Guaranteed Best Height Increase Supplement. 100% result, 100%  safety guaranteed- No any side effects.

Use Coupon code – New  & Get 5%- Rs 305 extra discount on prepaid order only.



Are you a short heighten….? If YES then you MUST be facing these problems in your daily life:

  • People underestimate your intelligence, stronger leadership skills, and Athletic ability.
  • People making fun of you because you’re short.
  • You are always “cute”. Never “Hot”. Just cute.
  • Being short isn’t easy. Short people make less money, have a harder time finding a mate, and are less likely to be elected to public office.
  • When people hug you and your face smashes into their Boobs.
  • When your friends look up in the air over your head and go “Where’s______?
  • When you can’t see the band during a concert because of all the tall people right in front of you.
  • Gaining five Pounds and it looks like you’ve gained twenty.
  • Suffering from neck pains because of lengthy conversations with tall co-workers.
  • When you sit on a public toilet and your feet don’t touch the floor.
  • People using you as an armrest.
  • When you are an adult but you still have to shop in the kid’s section.
  • When you’re older and a bunch of little kids is taller than you.
  • When people make fun of your height and they are only 3 inches taller.
  • Not taken seriously when you are mad at someone.
  • Always having to walk faster because your three steps equal someone else’s one step.
  • Have to deal with all of the above problems in your daily life because you are short.

Health problems due to short height:

  • Higher Heart Risk: The shortest short people—men under 5 feet 5 inches and women under 5 feet—are roughly 50% more likely than the tallest people to have a heart attack or die from heart disease,
  • Higher Stroke Risk: There are many problems that may happen due to stroke.
  • Weakness, paralysis, problems with balance or coordination, Urinary or bowel incontinence, Speech problems or difficulty understanding speech, reading, writing, Memory problems, poor attention, Depression, Anxiety, and Mood swings with emotional outbursts.
  • Children who are just a few inches (2-3 inches) shorter than their peers are more likely to suffer a stroke in adulthood.
  • Alzheimer’s disease (Brain Disorder): It is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and eventually the ability to carry out the simplest tasks.
If the answer to any of the questions is YES and also wondering how you can increase your height, maintain a healthy body and developed overall personality & You are from age 7 to 18 years- increase height up to 6 inches(15 cm) naturally, safely in 100 days course & from age 19 to 23 years – increase height upto 4.3 inches(10.92 cm) in 100 days course duration & if you are from age 24 to 28 years – increase height upto 2.5 inches- 2.7 inches (6.35 cm -7.5 cm) in 100 days -150 days course and also make your life free from serious health diseases/ problems when you cross 35-40 years of age due to short height then following Height Growth Plus  – The Best Ayurvedic Height Increase Taller Supplement is for YOU.

How can a person Re-Open his/ her closed GROWTH PLATES to increase height- Once the growth plate is fused?

Height Growth Plus is a highly researched and premium ayurvedic formulation acts mainly on these factors:-
  1. Increase Growth Promoters Production: The growth is not only 100% dependent on genetics but growth promoters  equally plays important role in the body’s growth.
  2. Your growth potential reduces especially after puberty because your pituitary gland becomes inactive & thus stop releasing growth promoters. Strong formulated medicine havinf essential nutrients stimulates the pituitary gland to increase the production of the natural levels of growth promoters, which causes the growth of the cartilaginous portions of the vertebrae and the long bones.
  3. The articular cartilages that connect many bones can still grow thicker. Besides the distal potion on each vertebra, the distal end of the Femur and the proximal end of the Tibia can grow up to an inch, which gives another 2 – 3 inches extra height.
  4. Spinal Column Extension – the Spinal column in the upper body contributes significantly to height because it accounts for 35% of total height. One important component of the spine is inter-vertebral discs. These discs are located between each of 33 vertebrae. On average, your total discs account for one-quarter the length of your vertebral column – 4.5 to 6 inches for most people. The thicker the discs, the longer your spinal column is and the taller you become. Height Growth plus medicine allows your height by expanding the discs and lengthening your spine. Recent scientific research has proven that most young adults can still grow a few inches taller even after the bones in their lower body have become ossified (Ossified meaning having become rigid or fixed in attitude or position). This is because besides the length of the femur bone, tibia bone, and other bones in the lower body, the length of the spinal column in the upper body also significantly contributes to human height.
  1. Along with using premium height increase products, following some guidance helps faster result. The guidance does not mean doing some exercises like hanging, running, and some diet plan. Proper and complete height increase guidance is most important to get good height results.


100 Days Height Increase Course:

Get 100 days Height Growth Plus course at Rs 6100/. (Use Coupon code – New  & Get 5%- Rs 305 extra discount on prepaid order only.)

With purchase 100 days ayurvedic height increasing supplement, You Get:

  • 100 Days Free eBook Guidance worth Rs 2500 on every 20 days during course.
  • Free Consultation on every 20th day till 100 days course duration.
  • 100% Ayurvedic Product, No chemical composition used in any way.
  • 100% Safe, Pure & Natural sources of Ingredients used. NO Side Effects in any way.
  • Free Shipping for India Location. The shipping charge is applicable for International orders.

20 Days Height Increase Course

Height Growth Plus – The Best Height Increase Medicine consists of 52+ natural and pure ayurvedic ingredients for safe height increase in ayurvedic process,  100% Safe, pure and precious natural herbs & ingredients used. No chemicals are used in any way. No any  side effects. We care our Customers! 100% course safety guaranteed.
As we regularly take customers feedback –Guaranteed visible height results after:

  • From age 7-18 years, Increases upto 3cm in 20 days & upto 15 cm in 100 days.
  • From age 19-23 years, Increases upto 3cm in 25-30 days & upto 9 cm in 100 days.
  • From age 24 – 28 years, Increases upto 2.5 cm in 40-45 days & upto 7 cm in 100 days.
  • Remember result varies body to body.


*We Ship WorldwideFor International Orders, Connect to WhatsApp by clicking on the chat button.
The Easy Solution To Permanent Height Increase On-The-Go! Faster Height Growth Powder Guaranteed! Gain 1-6 Inches in Height!

  • Reach the height you have always dreamed of! Scientifically developed & Proven Natural Height Increase Formula
  • Height Growth Plus™ is a dietary supplement that Activates Growth Promoters Naturally and provides full nutrients for Bone & Joints support and thus increases height.
  • Height Growth Plus™ is an exclusive formula that may increase height even after puberty.
  • 55+ ingredients, proprietary blend & rare and precious herbs.
  • This combination of ingredients can help increase body resistance and immunity effectively.
  • Thereby it not only helps to achieve maximum height naturally but also supports overall health.
  • Height Growth Plus works by supplying bones with the nutrients they need to unleash their potential.
  • With the purchase of Height Growth Plus, Get a FREE eBook- “Secrets to increase height”.
  • No Side Effects: 100% Safe, Pure & Natural.

SUMMARY: “Genetics(60-70%) plays an important role to increase height but genetics is not everything. Rest of (30-40%) like Proper Nutrition intake, several best height increasing exercises and activating some other height growth factors helps to grow taller”. So if growth plate closed/fused and some one even doctor saying now height increasing is impossible , that is totally false statement. We have proof of this how even growth plates closed, height increases.

Height Growth Plus™ – height gainer powder or – the best height increase supplement/medicine/ powder for both boys and girls having Vitamin D, K, Calcium, Ashwagandha, L-Arginine, L-Glutamine and so on effectively targets the main area of growth & thus may help to faster increase height with overall personality development
  • Boost Growth Promoters Naturally.
  • Regenerate Bones, Bone Tissues, and Muscles Growth.
  • Increase Bone Growth and Bone Density.
  • Makes Bone Thick and Stronger.
  • Height Growth through Cartilage Support.
  • Makes Spine Lengthy, Healthy & Strong.
  • Reduce Body Fat.
  • Supports Brain Development.
  • Keep Heart Safe & Healthy.
  • Better IQ & Learning Capabilities.
  • Prevent Joints Pain.
  • Super Charge Metabolism.
  • Make Natural Body Building.
  • Improve Height & Body Postures.
  • Antioxidant support.


How Height Growth Plus – Best height growth supplement works:

  • Height Growth Plus™ is created by a special and exclusive formula combining 62+ pure, safe & natural ingredients and a proprietary blend including many rare and precious herbs. This combination of ingredients can help increase body resistance and immunity effectively, thereby it not only helps children and teenagers achieve their maximum height naturally but also support their overall health. Height Growth Plus™ works by supplying bones with the nutrients they need to unleash their potential.
  • A recent study from Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital & Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Bangalore in 22 states of India showed (52%) had a nutritional bone disease, 43% had endemic skeletal fluorosis and 5% had a metabolic bone disease. It means they are lacking nutrients essential to bone growth. Height Growth Plus™ contains clinically proven optimal amounts of these nutrients.
  • To explain how Height Growth Plus™ works, I’ll use an analogy. If you have a plant and you water it and give it sunlight, it will grow. However, if you have that same plant and you water it, give it sunlight and also give it plant foods, it will grow more because it has more of what it needs in order to grow. Height Growth Plus™ works the same way with your bones because it gives them everything they need in order to maximize their growth.

Premium Formulated Protein Powder also helps to Increase height in Teens  & Youth by Ms. Sushma Jaiswal – Worked in WHO & UN For 33 Years

Hi, this is Sushma Jaswal. I’m working in the field of nutrition for the last 33 years, including in WHO and UN. Now I’m working at Swansea Nutrition in Bangalore. Protein in terms of increasing height in teens. Yes, protein can definitely increase the height in teens if taken as supplements, because nowadays all the food which is grown is less in protein content. For example, 30 years ago, some 5 grams of proteins were available in one bowl of rice or say one chapatti. But now it’s not the same. Whatever food we are getting 30 years. Ago is not the same now. So it has very little protein sometimes calculated as 1 gram of protein psychopathy. So in India, everybody is lacking in protein. If they take some protein supplement during the growth years, it can increase height. Yes, definitely. And it can boost the height to some extent. And also protein is not fat or carbohydrate. It’s just muscle-building nutrients so it cannot increase weight. Yes, it helps maintain weight. Also, protein is the major nutrient. Like it’s a vital nutrient. Women should have 30% of the protein in their whole body weight. And while men should have 40% of the protein in their veins.
To make Height Growth Plus – The Most Advanced Height Increase Course and Result Given, We have Added Premium Protein Powder for the best height result. Our Height Increase Course is totally different from all other height increase courses available in market. We Believe in Results & We Give. After the 100 Days course, Smile on customers’ faces is Our Real Success & We have already given smiles to approx 9729+(Indian customers in just 55 days) & 587 (International customers in 29 Countries) customers.
Height Growth Plus – Best Ayurvedic Height Increase Medicine Growth Powder  Supplement from age 7 to age 28 years for both male and female.
Guaranteed Visible Height Results After New Stock:

  • From age 7-18 years, Increases upto 3cm in 20 days & upto 15 cm in 100 days.
  •  From age 19-23 years, Increases upto 3cm in 25-30 days & upto 9 cm in 100 days.
  • From age 24 – 28 years, Increases upto 2.5 cm in 40-45 days & upto 7 cm in 100 days.
  • Remember result varies body to body.

                                  QUICK BUY NOW

“Our Story”

What makes our product unique or best height increase supplement?

At Height Growth Plus, we believe that Mother Nature has all the purest ingredients to nourish our health and wellness. Therefore, since its establishment, we have always been fully committed to providing our customers with natural and organic supplements that have exceptional quality and high purity. Having this in mind, we use only the highest quality and domestically best sourced ingredients. It seems like more companies would adopt this approach, but it seems all too many choose profit over the customer’s wellness.

Why do we love what we do?

Height Growth Plus commonly referred as best height increase supplement gives us the opportunity to take good care of human health with quality products, thereby bringing great value to the community. We are proud that Height Growth Plus supplements have been contributing to the health and happiness of children and teenagers in particular and people in general.  The fact that our products genuinely help people and at the same time provide jobs for hard-working Indians is highly rewarding. Knowing that some people will choose our products over competitors because they share these values is a nice bonus!

How do we get our start?

Height Growth Plus brand was born from our love for kids, children & Youth. We want the next generations to be always healthy to contribute to building a better India. That’s why we have chosen nutrition as a way to provide children, teenagers, and people with comprehensive development and optimal health.

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NOTE* – Due to customer privacy policies , we can’t share any  form of data of any customer to anyone without customer permission. We Protect our customer data as well.
Disclaimer: Height result varies body to body and this is not to cure any other heath related issues.

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 29.5 × 30.2 × 10 cm

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