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+91 8882663964

New Delhi – India

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Frequently Asked Question!

Yes , Biohealth care always ensures that all the products that we provide should always be safe and clinically tested.

we have more than 500 happy customers , who has been talking our products . Their valuable feedback about their results are evidence of all our promises.

It is totally depends on what your body needs and your age factor. Though biohealth products are Natural but also right amount of taking it differ from person to person.

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Based on extensive research and feedback from our customers who has already taken our products and still taking over few months . There are no side effect at all . Furthermore , ayurveda is generally considered as safe And natural . However if you do take any drugs, we recommend you to consult your health care practitioner.

you should take your medicine regularly with right amount and proper diet . Telling you the precise time period is difficult , But you will surely start getting visible effect after 1 month.

there are no reported interaction between our natural ayurvedic products and Drugs. However , we will recommend you to consult your qualified health care practitioner.

there are no reported interaction between our natural ayurvedic products and Drugs. However , we will recommend you to consult your qualified health care practitioner.

Biohealth care products are 100% safe and they are gelatin and gluten free. In addition , the products are came from nature it means they are natural. We don’t create more toxins in the body .

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